July 19, 2008

July 19, 2008
Sharon's new hair

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It really is April already. I feel like we lost the month of March! We are expecting wonderful results in April.

Sharon had her 6th chemo yesterday. As we have found to be routine, she slept restlessly last night and has more energy today, thanks to the steroids. The Oncologist gave report that the cancer markers that were taken last week are down to 245. Remember that they were over 800 at the start of treatment. We are expecting, with all of your prayers, that we shall arrive at the end of this eight weeks with the cancer markers at 0. There will still be questionable tissue present and will have to be "debulked." (That means surgery to those of us in the music field.) So we look at sometime in May facing the surgery.

Sharon hears from people who meet her that her color is great and she looks so good. (I've always thought that!) We really do attribute this to the prayers of all of our prayer team. You are all to be credited in keeping Sharon in front of God with your constant prayers. I know God is giving her, and us, strength because of your faithfulness. Please don't stop.

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


Laura said...

I know this is silly to leave you a comment, but I wanted to remind you just how much I miss all 3 of you. I'm anxiously looking forward to being there with you son! Praise God for all the good he is doing in mom and in all of us during this time! He is so good! I love you all!

Darlene said...

Wow..glad to hear good news. We pray for you at our Bible study in Coalfield, TN every Tuesday. We will continue to pray for your family so just hang in there and keep the faith..cause OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD !!!

We Love You,
Darlene Mayton and family

pat Corwin said...

Happy to hear the good news! Yes, April is upon us. I will be in sunny Florida next week with Carrie. Looking so forward to it. Lord willing I will get to see you on Wed. evening at Choir. Take Care & we continue to pray.

Nancy said...

Praise the Lord for good marker numbers! Praying for continued good progress. Continuing to pray for strength for you all.
Nancy Fay