July 19, 2008

July 19, 2008
Sharon's new hair

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We have had another good week of progress. Sharon's cancer markers were in the 180's this week. We are thrilled with that report. Today she has a PET scan beginning around noon. This will show where the cancer remains. She has one more chemo treatment scheduled for Monday. Her white blood count was down last week and they said if it got any lower they would not be able to give her the full treatment. So pray that the white blood count will be good enough for that last treatment. We are on target to see the surgeon on Saturday, April 26. Laura will be home from school for the summer so we can all go to the appointment. Melissa will leave after that meeting to go pick David up at the airport in Jacksonville. He will be coming home from being overseas for 8 weeks. It will be good to have all of us together again.

The Music Festival Benefit on May 10 has become an EVENT. It is a bit overwhelming to know all the work that people are going to in order for this to take place. Our prayer is that God is glorified with the whole day. There may be over 1500 people on the church campus that day. What a chance for outreach. I challenged the adult choir last night to not let a single person leave the church property without being physically touched by one of us. Pray for us as that day approaches. It is uncomfortable to be the object of such an event.

As we get results of the PET scan, we will post it here. Thanks for caring. Pray that God uses you in a special way today.


Sam said...

my dearest jewett family,

i'm so glad that you're keeping all of us updated on the happenings in your lives as we all continue to pray for you. it is difficult to be so far away and unable to physically touch you myself with hugs and smiles, but heartwarming to know what a loving and caring community surrounds you. can't wait to hear about this musical event!

you are all so loved!!
even more love,

pat Corwin said...

It was so great to be able to meet and hug you personally while I visited my sister Carrie this past week. I made it home safe and was anxious to check what the PET Scan result was. I will continue to check. Thanks for allowing me to join in with your choir on Wed. night. That was a fun experience. We continue to pray. Have a good week this week.